Friday, August 14, 2009

3 days to go...and God is so neat

I have had the best week. I told God on Sunday night everything that I wanted to accomplish and left the how up to Him. I got everything done that needed to be done. My kids got settled at school, I got nearly all of Tyler's winter clothes bought, arranged classrooms at church how they needed to be, and filled open classes at church. I got groceries bought, made some baby gifts, and made my bed jacket. :) I spent some good quality time with my kids. The one thing I wanted done, which didn't get done, was get the painting done in the preschool hall at church. My dear friend Lawryn had really stepped up and given so much of her time to help me. I can rest easy knowing it will continue. I will get the last of my clothing sale items tagged tomorrow, and give the house a good mopping. Then I'll be ready!

I have had a terrible week physically, which makes me feel peaceful about my decision to have the surgery. One day I will not have to sleep with a heating pad! Yeah for me!

I am so thankful to all of your for all your words of advice and encouragment. I sleep better at night knowing that so many prayers are going up for me and so many friends are going to take care of my family and me.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking about you...I'm still just a plane ride away.
