Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Why am I doing this? Part 2

So, I told my dr. a year ago that I was fairly certain we were not going to add anymore biological children to our family. I was still feeling decently well, so he suggested a new implant called Essure, which can be done in 5 minutes in the office with a mild sedative. Pretty much getting my tubes tied without the surgery. It sounded too good to be true. And it was...of all things, the implant contained nickel, which I am allergic to. So I thought for a while about getting my tubes tied. And then my pain returned. About 6 months ago, I just knew that it was all coming back. The thing about endometreosis is you can have a tiny amount of it and it hurt just as much as before. I talked to my dr. and he said to give it some time, plus gave me some good pain meds. He could look at it, but it would mean another laproscopy. The middle of May, I started having severe pain in my abdomen. I was so worried it was a cyst. I had an ultrasound that showed a couple of fibroids, but no large cysts. I then had a CT scan to see if there was anything. It looked good. So, I went to my dear friend Randy, who is a gastro dr., to see if it could be something there. He looked at my CT scan and saw some odd things, so he ordered a barium enema with contrast. I was very angry at Randy for having to go through that test! :) It was HORRIBLE. It showed my diverticulitis, that I knew was there, but there were no kinks in my intestines or anything. So, I went back to my OBGYN. He decided that it was my endometreosis. It makes sense. Abdominal pain, lots of tests to rule out other things, my history, etc. So, I had 2 choices...lapro again with 6 months of Lupron, or a hysterectomy. We have made the decision to not have anymore biological children, so doing Lupron again really seemed like postponing the end result. So, I came home and got out my calendar and tried to figure out how in the world I could take 6 weeks of my crazy busy life to do this.

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