Monday, July 20, 2009

Why am I doing this? Part 1

Many people have asked me why I am having a hysterectomy. After all, I am 34 years old with 2 small children. I am too young to be going through this, as I am told on a daily basis. well, for starters, I have spent 20 years with endometreosis. Not diagnosed until I was 26, I spent many years thinking what I went through daily was normal. I had laproscopic surgery at age 26, one year after the birth of my first baby. Nearly all of my organs were covered in endometreiosis and most of it was burned off. After I recovered from the surgery, I went through 6 months of Lupron injections, which put my body into menopause in hopes that the lack of hormones would inhibit any further growth. I was told that my best hopes of having another baby was to conceive as soon as possible. I was pregnant within a month of coming off of the injections, which in hindsight, was just too soon. My body had been through too much. I lost that baby around 12 weeks. After some rest, my dr. put me on Clomid to ensure we would know when I was pregnant again and would have high risk care from the get-go. I became pregant the first dose of clomid and had a successful pregnancy. I spent the next 4 years feeling great and having no signs of returning lesions. Then, about a year ago, I started having some pain again.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful blog and you are wonderful to share your story! Love, Ramona
